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The Texel Guide

(1 customer review)

Well illustrated with photographs, this book shows methods of the traditional British cheeses; although the methods described relate to the larger cheese making dairies, it is also useful for the smaller manufacturer.

‘ I have been an active participant in the debates about the quality of cheese produced in Great Britain today ‘ extract by the author  Andrew Lamberton



Product ID: 1072


You really only need two books on cheesemaking when starting out or wanting to explore different types of cheese. ‘An Introduction To Cheesemaking At Home‘ by Chris Ashby and ‘Home Cheese Making’ by Ricki Carrol. Further down the line, you may find The Texel Guide To The Manufacture Of Great British Cheese very interesting. A great present for someone who has spent years making cheese.

Moorlands no longer stocks copies of ‘Home Cheese Making’, but may be purchased on Amazon.

Cheese, like bread, beer and wine, is a product with a very long history, and for many generations, was made by each household. As food manufacture became more industrialised, home cheesemaking declined, but is now becoming popular again. Cheese, again similarly to bread, beer and wine, is a product made by fermentation, requiring the growth of specialised bacteria to produce acidity and aid maturation. This booklet gives a simple introduction to making cheese in the home.  Designed to work in conjunction with the Moorlands cheesemaking kits.

Books on cheesemaking. Please read all the introductory

The Texel Guide To The manufacture Of Great British Cheese. One for the bookshelf ! ‘ I have been an active participant in the debates about the quality of cheese produced in Great Britain today ‘ 

1 review for The Texel Guide

  1. Jose

    Really good book.
    Was given this by a friend that knew I was new to cheese making and I must say it is lovely! It is easy to understand and well worth having!
    Thank you

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